Eternal Connectivity

By eternal connectivity in the tattoo relevance, I would be referring to the significance of matching tattoos. There is something so comforting about having the exact same piece as someone else who holds so much significance to you. Being that I actually have 3 matching tattoos with people (My mother and both my best friends) I feel as though we are connected even more so than usual due to them.



Though the popularity of them has risen, the underlying meanings of them are all different and unique which is why they are so appreciated. As you can tell I have 3 very different tattoos that are actually some of my most significant. Each tattoo tells a story in general but I feel as though when you have a matching one it doesn’t just tell a story, but an adventure of life. They tell a journey with the other person, the struggles, the good, the bad, the happy, the ugly, and the love you have for them.

There is something so special about having this unspoken bond with someone that lasts forever. All it takes is a glance down at your ink and a smile pops across your face because you think of how much that one person means to you and hopefully they do the same. The matching ones I do have I always looked down at and grin because I think of a memory about me and that person I have such a bond with. They are special and should be cherished.

Many hesitate when they consider getting similar tattoos. Now as I see it, family is forever, your friends may come and go but if you found the right ones, they will never leave, and well significant others…. that is where the caution should be raised due to the uncertainty of the future. It is all within your heart and if cherishing that special someone means getting a matching tattoo, then so be it.

“Does it hurt?” “What kind of question is that?”

One of the most common questions asked right before getting either your first tattoo or a new spot done is, “does it hurt?” Well…yes. Thinking about it logically, there are dozens of tiny needles filled with ink being injected a few layers deep into your skin’s surface repeatedly for minutes to hours at one time. So yes, getting a tattoo in any location is going to be painful, but there are definitely some spots that are more sensitive than others. Below is a picture that charts the pain levels of tattoo locations as blue is the most and yellow is the least.


Examining the photo here, it is not surprising that spots like the back of the knees, elbow crease, armpits, and genitals are the worst to get done. Though I believe the head should be appointed blue as well, these spots are relatively hard to deal with.

Personally I agree with the diagram in totality except for the calf/side leg due to my discomfort when getting mine done about a year ago. With a dozen tattoos done, there is not one location that I have been tattooed where I did not experience a decent amount of discomfort, but then again it is all a personal experience.

Pain tolerance levels on each individual is different so for some, the pain chart may vary, but for the most part everyone can agree the accuracy of it. Some may feel tiny pricks as others feel bee stings and this is completely normal. The premise of showing the chart is for others to examine and really consider if their pain tolerance is high enough for their location of desire. Passing out is the last thing any artist wants to have to deal with.

Is Your Shop Sanitary?

Nine times out of ten when a person goes to get a tattoo, they are looking for two things.

  1. Is the tattoo artist qualified and is their work clean looking?
  2. Cost- Is the tattoo of desire overpriced? Where is the best deal?

The issue in looking for the best deals is that many are not necessarily looking into the cleanliness of the shop and how business is run there. With having to be at an A inspection grade to keep as shop open, there are a variety of things to look at before setting up your next appointment. Below is a list of signs to look out for when choosing an appropriate and clean shop…

  1. Medical Equipment
    • The use of needles is an obvious idea when it comes to tattoos, but making sure your shop uses fresh ones for every single customer is essential to prevent any sort of cross-contamination and disease spreading.
    • Gauze, is the shop fully stocked? Do they use fresh and clean for every person? These are all things to look for even though it seems silly.
    • Cleaning supplies…green soap sound familiar? Maybe witch hazel? Always make sure your artist has a supply that is plentiful!
  2. Uncluttered
    • Look around and see that their workshops are free from any loose and unnecessary equipment that could cause distractions or contaminations
  3. Disposal
    • Looking and making sure that they are properly disposing of needles and contaminated napkins is always necessary
  4. Overall Upkeep of Shop
    • Take a peak around. Anything seem off? Leaks? Mold? Bugs? If you’re saying yes to any of these than it is more than evident that their inspection is either way out of date, or there is something else going on that you want no part of

It may seem silly to hesitate and look around the potential shop, but trust me it is worth it. The price may seem right, the artist may, but if the shop isn’t at top quality standards than start looking else where. Nothing is worse than putting your body in harms way for a tattoo and it may be an extra few weeks that you would have to wait…but that wait will be worth it.


           There is always going to come a time in which individuals suddenly regret their decision of a tattoo and consider something we like to call laser removal surgery. According to webmd, the process is described as, “lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam.” how uncomfortable?

This process is an effective treatment for those that want to remove unwanted ink off of their bodies. there are many factors though that are predetermined before one just goes ahead with treatment such as size, location, color and even age due to the sensitivity of skin as one gets older. According to several websites and doctor recommendations, smaller tattoos require less laser beam pulses due to the limited amount of ink while larger pieces require way more frequent lasers. in either case, the patient must undergo several sessions before their tattoo is considered invisible.

Professionals recommend that after every session that their patients keep the area clean and bandaged as much as possible to prevent infection. They also agree on using an antibacterial ointment to cover the area as well. there are some risk factors that come with these procedures such as hypopigmentation which effects the skin and makes the area that was once soaked in ink, lighter than the skin around. others would be the possibility of dulling the colors but not fully. As claimed, black and blue ink respond well to treatments meanwhile others such as greens and reds do not which requires more sessions and even then…sometimes it will not be a permanent dispersant of ink pigmentation.

Now removal sessions can be quite pricey. Depending on how big and who you go to, there is a rough estimate of between $200-$500 each session. That is a lot of money so one must be sure that they are willing to go through the pain and dish out high amounts of money. It is crazy to think that these treatments are going to cost more to remove than the receive.

With the pain and money in mind, one must be completely sure of their tattoo before they go and get it. Many who go on impulse have regrets later in life and see this as a solution and though it can be you need to ask yourself…am I sure I want this for the rest of my life?


Website referral:

Pictures: Google Images

Tattooers Honor Code in Question

Just a few moments ago I read an article that sparked my interest. A blogger named Jane Marie from attacked an artist over social media because her artist refused to tattoo her neck. She had few to no tattoos and immediately that enlighten my mind because everyone in the tattoo community knows that the only way to get your hands and neck done are when you are fully tattooed for the most part. They’re usually the last places that get done and to read about how this woman was bashing this artist was incredible.


Excuse the language in the link but it’s kinda true if you understand how sarcastic they’re trying to make it sound. For this woman to globally bash him over the internet and wanting him out of business is too extreme. The artist, Dan Bythewood, was trying to do the right thing by only reserving these tattoos for heavily tattooed people and by a 40 year old, barely tattooed woman to come in the shop asking for one…she should have known better.

Marie went on to claim that Bythewood was a even after he explained he has to reject men and women daily for these types of tattoos and went on a rampage on her blog. Below is a picture of said blog post…


I honestly scoffed and then laughed at this entire post due to how ridiculous this woman is being. Why would she want one her first spots on the side of her neck? How about the back of it? Arm? Leg? Wrists? Why is she so gung ho? Who knows but in all honesty I respect the artists decision for not doing it.

Tattoos in the Workplace?

It seems more and more that tattoos are becoming less taboo in the work force, but there are many questions still at hand. What gives? What professions are allowing more visible body modifications? Does it effect job opportunities? Now I have researched several articles in search to find out if this adventure I am currently going on is going to affect my potential of getting jobs in the future and well…it seems not so much.


Over 1/3 of the population in the United States has a tattoo and 40% of Millennials now have one as well. As times are changing and so are people which is something corporations and job fields are now starting to realize the effect of. Yes, there are some who have strict dress codes of no visible tattoos, but now more so there are unsuspected fields who are becoming okay with the concept of visible ink.

For starters: Hospitals

Now more so hospital staffs whether it be admitting, patient care, doctors, nurses, and secretaries have been allowed to have visible ink upon their bodies.


Lets be real…who is actually going to see these office professionals who are sitting in a cubicle all day typing reports? Nobody. Point being is since they are behind the scenes, the fact that they have ink is becoming less of an issue than some would think.


Yes. Teachers. School teachers ranging from Pre-K to Professors are granted access to have any non discriminatory or offense tattoos out for display. Children are not going to be suppressed to the fact that this world enjoys art and that people are covered in something that they love.

That is just a few to name off really quickly but its been a journey for acceptance to be able to have a professional job and still have ink. Though it seems a little strange still, its now becoming more of a normative. Especially since the generation up and coming to run this nation will be the Millennials and since most of us have tattoos…I am doubting this is going to be an issue for much longer.

Why though? Why now? Well here is the thing, professions are turning their back on a person’s appearance now due to their fear of losing a potentially great employee. Seeing as this is a widely practiced culture, companies do not want to miss out on their best opportunity because something so small and insignificant. With this generation rising and taking jobs, it is not uncommon to see a tattoo, they are not trashy but rather beautiful within their own.


(Images used are not mine…go to Google)

Buddha Buddha Buddha

So recently one of my friends dragged me on another adventure…adventure being another tattoo shop (what a shock!), not really but it is what it is. She wanted to bring someone who has had multiple experiences with getting tattoos and whether or not this life long investment…was actually worth it in the end.

She identifies with as a Buddhist and for that I have the upmost respect for her and her beliefs and rather than discuss the tattoo and how it was done, I want to talk about a life long commitment with tattoos.

Below are some pictures of the process for those who are interested…

I know every generation begins with the stereotypical, “you know you are going to have that for life right?” Yes obviously we know, but it was when my good friend asked me whether or not this was all worth it is when I started to question her decision, and rather mine as well.

Tattoos have become such a part of me and my life that I could not really imagine myself without them scattered all over me. But then again I began to think whether or not branding myself with designs and colors and blacks and whites was all for the best interest and if it had a good impact on my life.

I always worry about my future job opportunities and how companies and organizations will be turned off to hire someone who has ink on their arms, stretched earlobes, and a nose piercing. See the piercings I can change, the tattoos…well not so much.

Then I started to assess the meanings of some of my pieces and why I got what I have across me and for the most part I love all my tattoos….key words “most part”. Yes I have some on impulse that I will admit I regret but tattoos have been a part of my journey of life and what I have been through.

Do I have any real significant regrets? No. Like I said this ink that is on my body is here for a reason and tells a story of a time in my life that I can never re-live, but be reminded of every time I look down on either my arm or leg or behind my ear or any part of me at this point. The most significant words I said to many people was, “If you love who you are, the journey you have led, and think that this will benefit you personally in the long run…then do what you think is best for you.”

Villain Arts Tattoo Expo- Wildwood, NJ Aug. 12, 2016

A few months ago I was able to take my first trip down in South Jersey to explore what a tattoo expo was all about. Villain Arts hosts tattoo expositions every few months in a new city and new state about six times a year and luckily they hosted one in Wildwood, NJ which isn’t too too far from where I live.

I first heard about it from my friend who decided that she had wanted to get a watercolor elephant tattoo on her upper thigh and after researching artists she came across one in particular named Kate Tietz. Tietz is originally from Signaw, Michigan and travels around the country to participate in tattoo competitions and expositions for most of the year. It just so happened that she was going to be in Wildwood and after being invited I decided why not?

After about 3 to 4 hours of work in a large convention hall, my friend’s elephant was delicately done and the results were incredible!




Done with Eternal Ink if anyone was wondering.

Another part of the experience that I loved was seeing all of the different artists from around the country that came out to support this organization and to show off their best talent. Below I have some pictures of the booklets that the artists were using to showcase their works. If they had a free spot there was a chance of being tattooed, if not one had to wait until the next day. It was a beautiful 3 day event!

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“Oh that’s what I had for breakfast!”

To start this off, my mother is my biggest inspiration, my superhero, and the most loving woman I know. In all honesty she is the reason I am still here on this planet today with all of the support she has given me personally from growing up as a little girl, to watching my family fall apart, to trying to put myself at the top in high school, to now putting myself through college while working a full time job; she has always had my back and been by my side through it all.

With that being said, obviously I wanted to make one of my tattoos 100% about her and all that she has done for me, but to make the situation just a little bit more sentimental, I promised her we could get matching ones for her birthday (though it was 8 months ago…better late than never!) Both of us know it sounds crazy but we got matching pineapples.


Growing up my mother always decorated my house in primitive, country antiques and one of the biggest was pineapple….they were everywhere. As many do not know, pineapples are the colonial sign of welcome and that is where she fell in love with them. Now when trying to think of something that we could get, I thought of the first object that came to mind when I thought of my mother and immediately it went straight towards the yellow and green fruit. After many months of debating on designs and raising the money…we went to the tattoo shop. Below is a side by side as mine is on my right arm and hers falls on to her ankle.



Below are going to be some pictures of the process of us going back to back on getting our tattoos. We of course went to my favorite shop, Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park, NJ and the artist of choice was Rich Heller who did an incredible job on both!


This is Rich Heller putting up with another pre-tattoo photo from me


This was the shading process of my tattoo when I was getting very irritated in the arm

Overall I am thrilled with how both turned out and the healing process is going smoothly on both parts! I am more than happy to have a tattoo in constant reminder of my best friend, my super hero, and most importantly my mother.

P.S. Rich Heller had pineapple for breakfast that same morning

The Little Lady

As I have mentioned previously, my friends and their support for my adventure and their love of tattoos is what keeps me going throughout this entire process. The other week one of my good friends won I guess you can call it an Instagram contest off of an artist I have mentioned before named Hans Ryan of Fast Times in Belmar, NJ. He posted a picture of a sketch of a woman’s face that was decorated with a floral head crown that if you contacted him via Direct Message and struck the best deal with him, you would be the only one with this custom tattoo. After seeing it, she had to message him and somehow struck such a cheap deal on such a beautiful piece. Below are pictures of her getting the tattoo, the mid process, and the finished product…

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The catch with the tattoo was that she gave full creative responsibility to Hans. He chose the coloring and how he wanted the shade the entire piece in how he envisioned it. Her sister and I were both in the room and he constantly asked us what we though would look good. Originally the flowers were to be different tones of reds and pinks but after really looking at the product we all came into conclusion that the roses should be a white, skin tone color because as he put it, “sometimes less is more”, and I can not disagree with that.

Overall the piece is beautiful and of course done with Eternal Ink that I have reviewed in previous posts. This tattoo is about 2 weeks old now and she is actually almost done healing after keeping her, “Little Lady”, moisturized, clean, and taking as much care of her as possible.